波士顿三一学院是一所独立办学的基督教中学,学校主要面向波士顿地区6-12年级的有上进心并聪明的学生,为他们提供大学预科课程。波士顿三一学院的办学宗旨是在基督教世界观的基础上,促进高水平的学术成就和发展建立在对上帝的爱的性格。波士顿三一学院招收的学生反映了波士顿地区丰富多样的社区属性。学校所信奉的观点是强有力的信仰文化和要求极高的学术项目能使不同的社会、经济和 更多 种族的学生团结在一起。学院与家长和社区保持合作,期望培养在智能、诚信、服务和道德观上都卓越突出的毕业生。 Boston Trinity Academy is an independent Christian college preparatory school for motivated and talented Boston area students in grades 6 through 12. The mission of Boston Trinity Academy is to educate students on the basis of a Christian worldview and to promote high academic achievement and character development founded on the love of Jesus Christ. Boston Trinity Academy actively recruits a student body that reflects Boston's richly diverse communities. It is committed to the proposition that a strong faith culture and a demanding academic program can unite a student body with social, economic and racial differences. In partnership with parents and the community, the Academy seeks to produce graduates distinguished by their intellect, integrity, service and moral vision 基本概况